[Introduction for Henry Pratt Fairchild]




Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 129:750B


Margaret Sanger introduced Henry Pratt Fairchild at the Sixth Anniversary dinner for the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, held at New York's Plaza Hotel. See also Sanger's Opening Address and her introductions for Owen Lovejoy and Frank Hankins. Handwritten additions by Margaret Sanger.



Let's not forget that Birth Control is no mere matter of overburdened mothers with babes in their arms and hungry children tugging at their skirts. It is a problem which affects the whole world--politics, industry, immigration, and all grave international problems. In 1927 there gathered in Geneva a large group of authorities on these problems--300 scientists and historians from all many countries. One of them read an illuminating and masterly paper on "optimum Population" which received more attention from the press of Europe than any other paper present at the World Population Conference of 1927. I am was proud that the author of this paper is was an American resident of New York, and the professor of sociology economics at New York University. And I am even prouder of the fact that he has lent his prestige and his presence to this gathering tonight. I have the great honor of introducing Dr. Henry Pratt Fairchild.