Lawrence Defense Conference Active




New York Call, June 11, 1912


Sanger's article appeared next to an opposing article by Father John A. McClorey.



Lawrence Defense Conference Active

To Start Big Open Air Campaign. Will Distribute 20,000 Leaflets on Ettor Giovannitti Case.

The Lawrence Defense Conference met Thursday, June 6, at the Labor Temple. Sol Brombergwas elected chairman. A motion that the Executive Committee of this conference be requested to meet every Thursday hereafter, also that they act immediately and make arrangements for open air meetings, was carried.

The leaflet which the conference requested Moses Oppenheimer to write, covering the case of Ettor and Giovannitti, was read and accepted. The Executive Committee ordered 20,000 to be printed at once.

A motion made and carried that the secretary write to the Lawrence Defense Committee at Lawrence informing them of this conference and requesting them not to send subscription lists to various organizations in New York City, but to send lists to this conference.

Delegates from the first Russian Branch of the Socialist party, also Branch 1, Socialist party, were seated.

Delegates for Local 179, I. W. W., reported that the local is making arrangements for a monster protest meeting, together with all affiliated unions.

On Saturday, June 15, 3 p.m., there will be an open air meeting at Union Square. Speakers Edward F. Cassidy, F. Sumner Boyd, Jacob Panken, Jean J. Coronel, Thomas Flynn and J. Breen. Meetings will be held at this place every Saturday afternoon until after the trial of Ettor and Giovannitti.

On account of the party meeting on the same evening many delegates of the conference were not present. It is hoped that at the next regular meeting, June 20, all delegates will attend and other organizations which have not yet sent delegates to this conference are urged to do so. The time is drawing near for the trial, and there is much work to be done.

Speak up, Comrades: get your organizations to send delegates here at the next meeting and let us all together make such a noise that the workers of the country will awaken to the outrageous crime committed against them before it is too late.