For other versions see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm: Smith College Collections, S71:274 and
Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm,cLibrary of Congress, LCM 131:0489 LCM:493.
This is the third article by Sanger in this series. For the previous articles see
"Prudence and Purity in Sex Matters,", Aug. 23, 1919 and "Birth Control Yes or No?",
Sept. 20, 1919. The other articles in the series…
This article is prefaced by an editorial note mentioning that Dr. Louis I. Dublin argued the
negative side of the question in the April 25, 1925 issue of Colliers.
The article was introduced by a short note indicating that it was in response to an
article by Marjorie Wells, published in the March issue of the
North American Review. For draft version, see "One of Eleven,"…