[Changing Status of the American Family, Speech Fragment]




Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Sophia Smith Collections, S71:137


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There are many causes attributed to the changing status of the American family.

The 19th Century saw the beginning of a vast change in conditions of family life.

There are four causes which stand out preeminently as basic factors in this vital change.

  • 1st The Industrial Revolution which destroyed the old fashioned rough but simple life of rural industry under the domestic roof.
  • 2nd Women's entry into commercial & Industrial life caused a tremendous upheaval in the our Social structure, the effects of which we are still feeling today.
  • 3rd This naturally led to Woman's independence & higher Education
  • life with its many & various ramifications.
  • 4 Lastly but of no less significance is the growing increasing knowledge of birth control around which controversy is waged the future, progress development of the family swings evolve. increasing so much controversy is waged.

There is perhaps no subject which has so large a practical significance, which at the same time cuts so deep into the foundations of Social evolution as bc.

No other subject left so long in social obscurity & now which can show so unequaled a leap upon our nat. & Intl horizon as this subject has done during the past ten years.

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