"To My Friends"




Mother Earth, Feb. 1916, p. 405


For transcribed versions of this letter see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections, S1:603 and Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 135:187



"To My Friends"

At the request of the United State attorney, my trial for advocating Birth Control and protesting against existing federal statutes which would make such advocacy criminal has been postponed until February 14th, in the Federal District Court in New York City.

Such invaluable aid has been rendered me in answer to my first letter that I am now making this further appeal to you to keep a live interest in this vital question.

I am being prosecuted not because the federal authorities consider Birth Control anti-social and anti-American, but because they consider the advocacy of Birth Control LEWD, LASCIVIOUS, AND PORNOGRAPHIC!

You may disagree with me concerning the value of this propoganda for voluntary or prudential parenthood. But do you not believe with me that such an idea of doctrine can in no sense be considered pornographic? Is it not the very opposite?

If it is right and moral to advise: "Be fruitful and mutiply!" is it any ore lewd or lascivious to teach men and women that the strength of civilization lies in well-born children alone?

Does not Birth Control call for the most serious and open discussion, instead of immediate suppression by the Courts?

PLEASE answer these questions.

Let Judge Clayton of the Federal District Court know YOUR opinion.

Let President Wilson know. Let the newspapers know. Let me know.

I take this opportunityto thank you for the encouragement and help you have extended.



Twenty-six Post Avenue, New York City
