[Notes on History of Birth Control]




Margaret Sanger Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections S71:0019



History of B.C.

Free thinkers of the world have been instrumental in making it so themselves-- Fruits of Philosphy-- blasphemy & obscenity. Besant & Bradlaugh in England-- Ingersoll in U.S.A

Neo Malthusians versus Malthus--

Early marriage & B.C. -- late marriage & continence.

Educate the educators for 35 years. Darwin, Huxley, today Gilbert Murray, Shaw, Wells, Inge, Bishop of B-- Church of England-- officials partly with us -- Roman Catholic-- people with us--33% 32% 31%

What is B.C. Definition

What are we trying to do-- 7 reasons for B.C

Objections-- 1)against the law of God-- Genesis-- "Be fruitful" replenish: "to complete or perfect" quiver? full of them


  • Church 12 century alway against nature--today has has to bow before Science.
  • eye glasses, drugs, medicines surgery, clothes, marriage-- Celibacy--

Injurious "Onan" compare camel with airplane

Immoral-- Ignorance & fear after 2000 years (early marriages)

  • Race Suicide
  • Self Control

Letters from Mothers



Place, Knowlton, Owen--

Besant & Bradlaugh

and Drysdales-- Dr Rutgers, Dr Jacobs, & Vickery.

9 14 U.S.A. the Woman Rebel-- Federal indictments

Moses Harmon, Oneida Commty, Noyes, Robinson, Jacobs-- Foote.

While all of these valient & fearless champions had influence among their circles--such circles were limited to groups or readers of magazines and did not effect either public opinion or change laws or attract any significant attention.

When in 1914 the first wman's voice arose above the throng to challenge the laws that there was no indication that etc.

No literature at that time in U.S.A.

Federal indictment-- First B.C. League formed--

Brownsville clinic 1916-- E.B. hunger strike. M.S. 30 days

Court of Appeals Sect. 1145.

N.Y. State BCL, Committee of 100 -- Nat BCL.

2) Other in 1916. 3) Leagues organized--arrests.

The war drove public interest before it Lectures in London & Scotland.

B.C.R. 1917 to 1921.>

A.B.C.L. formed & first National Conference held, Town Hall, Mary Winsor Mrs. Rublees arrest-- Trip to Orient London conference--

N.Y. clinic 1922>-- Branches in cities in U.S.A.

  • Albany
  • Boston
  • Syracuse
  • Hagerstown
  • Baltimore
  • Cincinnati

Literature-- East, Ross, Pearl, Wiggan magazine--books--press--

Radical profession--drive--Important advance (2000 booklets)

  • Scientists
  • illegible">
  • Womens Organizations
  • Labor Organizations