"Longer Honeymoons and Happier Wives 100 Years From Now"




San Francisco Chronicle, Jan. 14, 1923, p. 10


This article is part of a longer piece on "How Will Troubled Old World Take Step Century Hence?"



Longer Honeymoons and Happier Wives 100 Years From Now

Birth control will have become a part of education in health and hygiene. Women especially will be keen in demanding it. They will realize that it is a foundation of freedom and intellectual development for them. Women cannot make real progress today so long as they are haunted by the fear of undesired pregnancy.

The results, in much shorter time than four or five generations, will be happier homes, greater mutual respect between husband and wife, honeymoons lasting two or three years before children arrive, with husband and wife thoroughly equilibrated to one another, because there has been time for mutual understanding and development before parenthood is entered upon. There will be far more consideration for the mother and more understanding of her needs, with the result of better health and development for the infant, as well as greater comfort for the mother. Four or five generations will develop new men and women with finer susceptibilities, nobler sentiments toward each other and a worthier sense of responsibility toward the race.