New York Urban League Speech



Spatial Coverage


"Mrs. Margaret Sanger's Move Assures Birth Control Clinic for Harlemites", The New York Amsterdam News, Oct. 16, 1929


Sanger gave a speech on Oct. 10, 1929 at the New York Urban League. The complete speech was not found.


New York Amsterdam News
Chinn, May



Mrs. Margaret Sanger's Move Assures Birth Control Clinic for Harlemites

Social workers of Harlem, in a meeting Thursday evening in the assembly room of the New York Urban League, 202 West 136th Street, endorsed the movement headed by Margaret Sanger, white, to establish a birth control clinic in Harlem.

Mrs. Sanger, internationally known authority on birth control, in outlining plans for the establishment of such a clinic in Harlem, spoke first of the need in Harlem for such an institution.

“Many mothers,” she said, “complain that the Fifteenth street clinic is too far from their homes to be conveniently reached. This is especially true of the mothers with very young children. The establishment of a birth control clinic in Harlem may be regarded as an expensive venture but it is really the cheapest charity known today. Birth control reduces both infant and maternal mortality. The health of the mother is improved and the economic condition of the entire family is raised."

“During the past five years, in our Fifteenth street clinic, we have handled successfully 15,000 cases. These cases have proved that birth control is a necessity; that it is a success; and that it is doing good.”

At the close of Mrs. Sanger’s lecture, a discussion of the proposed clinic was led by Dr. Mae Chinn of Harlem Hospital. Dr. Chinn said:

“Harlem needs such a clinic as Mrs. Sanger has described. Most of the criticism directed against the birth control movement is erroneous. Such information as is given out by the clinic will be carefully given, and to suit the individual needs of each particular case.”

Resolutions were adopted endorsing the movement. Mrs. Sanger has already secured $2,000. The endorsement of the movement by the social workers of Harlem insures the gift of an additional $5,000. This leaves only $3,000 to be raised, as $10,000 is the total amount needed for the clinic.
