Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress (LCM)


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For an earlier version possibly drafted by Florence Rose, see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 8:721.

Summary of talk delivered by Mrs. Sanger before the New History Society at the Park Lane Hotel on Sunday evening January 17, 1931. For other drafts see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 65:358A, 130:390 and Margaret Paper…

For the essay published in the 1933 volume, see "Birth Control," 1933.

Draft of Sanger acceptance of the American Woman's Asssociation medal. Handwritten additon and changes by Sanger. For the final version see Address at the American Women'sAssociation, Apr. 20, 1932.

This is a revised version of Sanger's Jan. 18, 1932 speech ""My Way to Peace." It is not clear if this version was ever delivered or published. Handwritten interlineations were made by Margaret Sanger. At least one page is missing. It is possible…

This is a rough draft of a speech; no final versions have been found.

Margaret Sanger compiled her New York Call series, "How Six Little Children Were Taught the Truth," (see to and published them in 1914 in a booklet What Every Mother Should Know, (Rablelais Press). She also added this new conclusion. The first…
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  • Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress (LCM)