Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections


Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College


Letters, writings, diaries, photographs and other papers written by, sent to, or collected by Margaret Sanger


Microfilmed and published by University Publications of America, a subsidiary of Proquest.

Collection Items

For handwritten drafts see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Sophia Smith Collections, S71:289-320. This transcription is based on the typed version. The speech was delivered in Madison, WI on March 17, Syracuse, NY on April 8 and Houston, TX…

Margaret Sanger gave an address as part of a Wesleyan University undergraduate conference on marriage, held in Middletown, Connecticut. Other speakers included Erdman Harris, Father John M. Cooper, Dr. William B. Terhune, Rev. Roy B. Chamberlain and…

No final version found.

Margaret Sanger gave this address as part of a Wesleyan University undergraduate conference on marriage, held in Middletown, Connecticut. Other speakers included Erdman Harris, Father John M. Cooper, Dr. William B. Terhune, Rev. Roy B. Chamberlain,…

No final version was found. This speech may have been written for the American Conference on Birth Control and National Recovery, held in Washington, DC on Jan. 15-17, 1934.

Margaret Sanger gave an address as part of a Wesleyan University undergraduate conference on marriage, held in Middletown,Connecticut. Other speakers included Erdman Harris, Father John M. Cooper, Dr.William B. Terhune, Rev. Roy B. Chamberlain and…

A portion of this draft appears in "Woman of the Future," but no published version was found.

Margaret Sanger delivered this speech at the International Congress of the World Fellowship of Faiths in Chicago, Illinois. Additional versions of this speech can be found on the Margaret Sanger Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections, S71:445,…

No final version found.

No final version found. Last page(s) missing.
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  • Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections