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For handwritten drafts see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Sophia Smith Collections, S71:289-320. This transcription is based on the typed version. The speech was delivered in Madison, WI on March 17, Syracuse, NY on April 8 and Houston, TX…
Speech delivered at Auditorium Theater, Oakland, California on December 19th 1928. Handwritten additions are by Margaret Sanger.
Originally scheduled to be delivered at the close of the First American Birth Control Conference on Nov. 13, 1921, this address was made on Nov. 18 after the police raided the Town Hall and arrested Sanger. This speech was…
No published version found
Geneticist Edward Murray East was leading a round table on "Agriculture population issues at the Institute of Politics on the campus of Williams College in August East,appalled at the Fascist's statements offered a widely covered rebuttal.
For draft versions see Margaret Sanger Papers Micrfoilm Edition, Smith College Collections, S71:404. For copies of drafts of data on Japan and Italy which Sanger used that were probably redated, see Margaret Sanger Papers Micrfoilm Edition, Smith…
Sanger gave this address at a public meeting at Scottish Rite Hall in New York, as part of the Sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference. Others speakers appearing at the event were Norman…
For earlier drafts see Library of Congress Microfilm LCM 128:530 and 534.
This speech was typed on the reverse of Hartford Birth Control League stationary, possibly during Sanger's stay in Hartford, when she gave "The Meaning of Birth Control," on Feb. 11, 1923. For similar speech, see "Compulsory Motherhood,"…
S4436 was a bill to "amend Section 305(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, and Sections 211, 245, and 312 of the Criminal Code as Amended." This excerpt from the complete hearings includes only Margaret Sanger's testimony and questions put to her. For…
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