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Sanger organized a tribute dinner to H. G. Wells as a fund-raiser and publicity even for the National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control
Sanger gave this Introduction at a birth control meeting held at Carnegie Hall in New York City. See her opening remarks and her introductions of James F. Cooper, I. N. Thurman, and Charles Francis Potter . For additional draft versions see Margaret…
Sanger gave this introduction at a birth control meeting held at Carnegie Hall in New York City. See her opening remarks and her introductions for James F. Cooper, Dorothy…
For duplicate version see Margaret Sanger Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections, S71:423.
Sanger gave this introduction at the Carnegie Hall Birth Control Meeting on Dec. 6, 1924 in New York City. See her opening remarks and her introductions of other speakers, Dorothy Bocker, I. N. Thurman,…
For other drafts see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 48:256B, and Margaret Sanger Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections S71:370, 374, 384 and 404.
This is the first article in an 12-part series. For Part II, "Girlhood, 1," see Nov. 24, 1912, for Part III, "Girlhood, 2," see Dec. 1, 1912, for Part IV, "Puberty, 1," see Dec. 8, 1912, for Part V,"Puberty 2," see Dec. 15, 1912, for Part VI "Sexual…
Sanger also spoke at Penn State College on October 5, 1954, but the speech was not found.
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