Browse Items (11 total)

  • Subject is exactly "race suicide"
No final version was found. This speech may have been written for the American Conference on Birth Control and National Recovery, held in Washington, DC on Jan. 15-17, 1934.
This article is prefaced by an editorial note mentioning that Dr. Louis I. Dublin argued the negative side of the question in the April 25, 1925 issue of Colliers.
This speech was delivered at the Baltimore Open Forum on January 3, 1926. This version may have been a press release.
This is the second of a six part series. Only five of six articles have been located. For the first artitle, see ""Highlights in the History of Birth Control," Oct. 1923; for the third article see "Woman and Birth Control," Dec.…
This untitled draft has paraphrases and uncredited quotes from at least three other sources: Charles Vickery Drysdale, "A Guiding Principle for Eugenic Reform", Eugenics Review, July 1922,…
Sanger's speech, delivered on December 3, 1925, was not found; newspaper coverage was used instead. The last paragraph, regarding unrelated upcoming events, was not included.
For an earlier version, possibly drafted by Florence Rose, see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 8:721.
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