This is a revised version of Sanger's Jan. 18, 1932 speech ""My Way to Peace." It is not clear if this version was ever delivered or published. Handwritten interlineations were made by Margaret Sanger. At least one page is missing. It is possible…
Originally scheduled to be delivered at the close of the First American Birth
Control Conference on Nov. 13, 1921, this address was made on Nov. 18 after the police raided the Town Hall
and arrested Sanger. This speech was…
Handwritten corrections made by hand by Margaret Sanger. Sanger may have submitted this review to the
New York Tribune; published version not found. For another draft of the review see
Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library…
The conference that Sanger addressed has not yet been identified. The last page(s) may be
missing. Handwritten additions and corrections by Margaret Sanger.