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  • Subject is exactly "physicians--and birth control"
Sanger made the following remarks during the session on the "Differential Birth Rate" at the Sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference in New York City. Papers read at that session include: Francis …
Portions of this article not found. This is the conclusion of Sanger's article which was part of a series on "Prudence and Purity in Sex Matters." For her other two rticles see, Aug. 23, 1919 and Oct. 4, 1919. Additional articles in the…
For other articles in the Britannica Book of the Year series, see "Birth Control," 1947-1958 see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition: Collected Documents Series: 1947; 1949; 1950;…
Margaret Sanger delivered this speech at the Schenley Hotel in Pittsburgh at a meeting sponsored by the Allegheny Birth Control League. No complete version of the speech was found.
Sanger gave this speech at the Community Church, along with James F. Landis and Clarence R. Skinner. The MSPP editors have omitted questions not addressed to Sanger. For a…
With this address, Sanger opened the Middle Western States Birth Control Conference, held in Chicago at the Drake Hotel. Handwritten additions by Sanger.
Sanger wrote this introduction to the four-volume Proceedings of the Sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference,. The conference was held between March 25-30, 1925. For other version see Margaret Sanger Microfilm…
For a draft verson see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections, S73:173.
For a news report of the Elizabeth City speech see "Speech at the Alkrama Hotel," Nov. 7, 1919.
This article was reprinted in the May 1919 Birth Control Review under the same title. (Margaret Sanger Microfilm, Smith College Collections S70:821.)
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