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  • Type is exactly "Published Article "
For other articles in the Britannica Book of the Year series, "Birth Control," 1946-1958, see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition: Collected Documents Series: 1944; 1946; 1947; …
For draft version, "One of Eleven," see Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress Microfilm LCM 130:419.
This article is the second in a four-part series of the same title. For Part I see July 1923; for two following articles see Sept. 1923 and Oct. 1923.
This article is the first of a five-part series of the same title. For following articles see Aug. 1923, Sep. 1923, and for art IV and V Oct. 1923.
For Sanger's interview with R. C. Martens, "A Birth Strike to Avert World Famine," Birth Control Review, Jan. 1920, p. 3.
For Sanger's interview with R. C. Martens, "A Birth Strike to Avert World Famine," Birth Control Review, Jan. 1920, p. 3.
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