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  • Place is exactly "The Hague, Netherlands, the"
This article was reprinted in the May 1919 Birth Control Review under the same title. (Margaret Sanger Microfilm, Smith College Collections S70:821.)
S4436 was a bill to "amend Section 305(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, and Sections 211, 245, and 312 of the Criminal Code as Amended." This excerpt from the complete hearings includes only Margaret Sanger's testimony and questions put to her. For…
The following is an excerpt from the hearings. Only Margaret Sanger's testimonyand her answers to committee questions have been included.
Sanger spoke at a Symposium on Birth Control, held at the Hotel Brevoort in New York City, sponsored by the Eastern Medical Society. Other participants were Robert Latou Dickinson, Hannah Mayer Stone, Stuart Mudd, A. J. Romney, A.…
This roundtable discussion, led by Margaret Sanger included John Randal Baker, Guy Irving Burch, Robert Emmet Chaddock, Robert Hamilton Coats, Walter Russell Crocker, Henry Pratt Fairchild, Ernst Freund, Corrado Gini, Harold Foote Gosnell, Mr.…
Sanger gave this speech at the Community Church, along with James F. Landis and Clarence R. Skinner. The MSPP editors have omitted questions not addressed to Sanger. For a…
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