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Sanger spoke to San Francisco reporters about the possibility of traveling to Japan.
Sanger addressed the Friday Morning Club in Los Angeles. Portions of the article not pertaining to the speech were omitted by the MSPP.
Margaret Sanger delivered this speech at the International Congress of the World Fellowship of Faiths in Chicago, Illinois. Additonal versions of this speech can be found on Margaret…
For an earlier draft, see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 129:94; for identical versions, see LCM 129:098B and 129:101.
This article is prefaced by an editorial note mentioning that Dr. Louis I. Dublin argued the negative side of the question in the April 25, 1925 issue of Colliers.
Margaret Sanger gave this speech to open the Sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference at the Hotel McAlpin in New York City. For a draft version see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 128:267.
Sanger used these notes for a speech she gave to the Milwaukee, WI Open Forum on November 6, 1923.
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