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This is the first of a six-part series. Only five articles have been located. For the second article, see "A Better Race Through Birth Control," Nov. 1923; for the third article see "Woman and Birth Control,", Dec. 1923; for the…
Sanger likely gave this speech at the beginning of 1929. For another draft version of this speech see Margaret Sanger Microfilm Edition, S71:192. Handwritten corrections by Sanger
This speech was typed on the reverse of Hartford Birth Control League stationary, possibly during Sanger's stay in Hartford, when she gave "The Meaning of Birth Control," on Feb. 11, 1923. For similar speech, see "Compulsory Motherhood,"…
Sanger delivered a speech based on these notes at Edwards Hall in the Yale University Divinity School. For a later version see, "The Necessity of Birth Control," Dec. 19, 1928. The list of books at…
Inserted reference appears in article as a footnote.
Summary of talk delivered by Mrs. Sanger before the New History Society at the Park Lane Hotel on Sunday evening January 17, 1931. For other drafts see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 65:358A, 130:390 and Margaret Paper…
Sanger gave this address, after discarding her prepared statement, at the Mass Meeting for Birth Control, held at Carnegie Hall. Attended by an audience of three thousand, mostly women, the meeting was to…
Sanger probably gave this interview on April 6, 1923 in the office of the American Birth Control League in New York City.
Sanger spoke to the press on arriving back in Tucson after attending the Fourth International Conference on Planned Parenthood in in Stockholm, Sweden
Sanger gave this speech before the General Federation of Women's Clubs in Des Moines. The speech was not found. For notes from another speech she gave during this trip, see Des Moines Address Notes, Jan. 26, 1925.
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