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  • Place is exactly "India"
Margaret Sanger delivered this speech at the International Congress of the World Fellowship of Faiths in Chicago, Illinois. Additonal versions of this speech can be found on Margaret…
Sanger was staying in Chandler, Arizona at the Hotel San Marcos when the interview was conducted.
Sanger used these notes for a speech she gave to the Milwaukee, WI Open Forum on November 6, 1923.
No final version of this statement found.
anger appeared on PBS Channel 13 in Tucson to discuss President Eisenhower's statement on American family planning assitance to foreign nations: "I cannot imagine anything more emphatically a subject …
For other versions see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm: Smith College Collections, S71:274 and Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm,cLibrary of Congress, LCM 131:0489 LCM:493.
For other articles in the Britannica Book of the Year series, see Birth Control, 1941 ; Birth Control, 1942 ; Birth Control, 1943 ; Birth Control, 1945 ; Birth Control, 1946 ; Birth Control, 1947 ; Birth Control, 1948 ; Birth Control, 1949 ; Birth…
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