No final version of this speech has been found, but it was similar to Sanger's Dec. 9, 1932 speech to the Wesleyan University undergraduate conference on marriage.
For an earlier entry in the same series, see "Birth Control, 1929." For a draft version see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 76:249.
For handwritten drafts see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Sophia Smith Collections, S71:289-320. This transcription is based on the typed version. The speech was delivered in Madison, WI on March 17, Syracuse, NY on April 8 and Houston, TX…
S4436 was a bill to "amend Section 305(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, and Sections 211, 245, and 312 of the Criminal Code as Amended." This excerpt from the complete hearings includes only Margaret Sanger's testimony and questions put to her. For…