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For other articles in the Britannica Book of the Year series, see "Birth Control," 1947-1958 see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition: Collected Documents Series: 1947; 1949; 1950;…
For an earlier version possibly drafted by Florence Rose, see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 8:721.
This is Sanger's comment on a letter published in the New York Times on May 4, 1933 by Henry Caravati. Caravati responded to Sanger's statement with a list of organizations opposed to birth control which the Times published on May 18,…
This is the first of a series of articles on this subject written by Sanger and others. For the another article by Sanger in this series, see "Birth Control: Yes or No?"," Sept. 20, 1919. For a third Sanger article in the…
For a draft version, see "What Every Man Should Know," Dec. 26, 1920 in Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition, Smith College Collections, S70:877. This article was also published in the Milwaukee Journal.
This article was found in a scrapbook with no identifying information about the newspaper. Portions of the text were obliterated by a hole punch.
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