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  • Type is exactly "Published interview"
On her arrival in St. Louis, Sanger gave several interviews to reporters.
Sanger gave this interview on her upcoming obscenity trial at her home at 26 Post Avenue, New York, NY. For the speech she gave the next day, see Hotel Brevoort Speech, Jan. 17, 1916.
Margaret Sanger gave this speech in London as part of the 1922 Fifth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference. For other speeches and statements given at this meeting, see Individual and Family Aspects of Birth Control,",…
For a similar statement, see ""Statement on Japanese Trip," Aug. 9, 1952.
Sanger likely gave this statement in answer to a question during her "Speech to the Hagerstown Woman's Club" on Jan. 26, 1923 in Hagerstown, Maryland.
Sanger spoke to San Francisco reporters about the possibility of traveling to Japan.
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