[Interview on The Woman Rebel Case]




"Free-Thinking Editor Defies Government to Suppress Her Paper", New York Evening Journal, Apr. 11, 1914, p. 1.


Sanger spoke to San Francisco reporters about the possibility of traveling to Japan.


New York Journal



Free-Thinking Editor Defies Government to Suppress Her Paper

"I intend to continue making public my ideas through my paper if I have to go to jail for it."

This was the defiant statement made today by Mrs. Margaret Sanger, of 34 Post avenue, editor and publisher of "The Woman Rebel," a monthly paper which the Federal authorities have just decided is unmailable. Deputy Attorney-General W. H. Lamar had communicated the Washington decision to the New York post office.

"No Gods, no masters," is the motto of "The Woman Rebel," which, Mrs. Sanger says, is published for "an advanced, thinking frankly speaking feminine clientele."

Mrs. Sanger's pet theory is voluntary motherhood, and she believes that large families among the poor are responsible for many of the present-day evils.

"Inform the working people and you will place a great weapon in their hands" she declared to-day to an Evening Journal reporter. It is a woman's duty to have an ideal and to speak and act in defiance of conventions."

"Over on the other side, I noticed the difference in the manner in which children are raised In Scotland you see a woman with a flock of children at her heels crying for bread. In almost all of the cities, children are treated as dogs and not as individuals. In France, where it is lawful to give out information of this character, everyone seems glad to have children, but not too many of them. Every encouragement is given to childbirth."

"Over here we seem to have no consideration for children. We breed them wholesale, especially in the poorer sections of the city where children amount to no more than dogs in the street."

"I believe that woman has been enslaved by the machinery of the world, by sex conventions, by motherhood, by wage slavery, by middle-class morality, by superstition, and by custom. Too many children in a poor family mean starvation and children that are of no account."

Mrs. Sanger belongs to the I.W.W. Emma Goldman is one of the contributors to her paper.
