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  • Type is exactly "Typed Draft Speech"
The conference that Sanger addressed has not yet been identified. The last page(s) may be missing. Handwritten additions and corrections by Margaret Sanger.
Margaret Sanger gave this speech on the evening before her Woman Rebel trial was to begin. Handwritten corrections probably by Margaret Sanger.
Margaret Sanger most likely gave this speech in Berlin, Germany. No published version has been found. Handwritten interlieations by Sanger.
Speech delivered at Auditorium Theater, Oakland, California on December 19th 1928. Handwritten additions are by Margaret Sanger.
Sanger likely gave this speech at the beginning of 1929. For another draft version of this speech see Margaret Sanger Microfilm Edition, S71:192. Handwritten corrections by Sanger
This speech was typed on the reverse of Hartford Birth Control League stationary, possibly during Sanger's stay in Hartford, when she gave "The Meaning of Birth Control," on Feb. 11, 1923. For similar speech, see "Compulsory Motherhood,"…
This short introduction was prepared for a luncheon in honor of Bertrand Russell sponsored by the American Birth Control League in the New York home of its vice president Charlotte Delafield. Handwritten…
Sanger introduced Owen Lovejoy at the Sixth Anniversary dinner for the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, held at New York's Plaza Hotel. Related documents are her Opening Remarks and her introductions for Henry…
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