Reasons for Birth Control




"Margaret Sanger Addresses Forum," Daily Collegian, Nov. 18, 1932, p. 1. See also "Solve Europe's Population Problem, Or War Will Result, Sanger States," Daily Collegian, Nov. 18, 1932, p. 1.


Sanger spoke at the Schwab Auditorium at Penn State College on November 15, 1932, the first in a series of talks sponsored by the Penn State Christian Association. The speech was not found, but quotes were taken from reports in the Daily Collegian.

Sanger took the oppportunity to visit her brother, Bob Higgins, Hall of Fame Penn State football player and coach.


Daily Collegian



Margaret Sanger Addresses Forum

"Birth control is not a panacea for all the social and economic ills in the world but at least it is the most important immediate help which can be applied as a solution to the present problems of millions of men and women here and now," Mrs. Margaret Sanger said at the opening Forum of the year in the Auditorium Tuesday night.

Mrs. Sanger cited several definite reasons for the practice of birth control. Contraception, she believes, should be used in the case of communicable diseases, where the mother is physically weak and incapable of bearing children, and where the parents produce sub-normal offspring. The practice is also valuable to the spacing of children in a family, protecting adolescent married couples from having children too soon, and also in the case of poverty stricken parents.

"Birth control will give women a chance to develop and to express themselves; it will, above all, mean happier marriages," Mrs. Sanger stated. "Instead of the customary single child in families of the higher classes, and ten or eleven in the poorer classes, birth control will usher in a new era of families with three or four children. This will constitute the American family of the future," the speaker believes.

Mrs. Sanger left the College yesterday afternoon. In addition to her open lecture, she addressed a women's club meeting Tuesday night. While here, a number of teas and luncheons were held for her by her sister-in-law Mrs. Robert A. Higgins and several faculty members.