Collection Items
Should a Wife Support Herself?
This article, publishedin the Charlotte Observer, was based on an interview given to Hannah Steim
Interview with Los Angeles Times
Sanger's actual speech was not found.
New Jersey Birth Control League Speech
Sanger spoke to 200 members of the New Jersey Birth Control League at a housewarming reception for its new Maternal Health Center in Newark. Other speakers included Henrietta Hart and Hannah Mayer Stone. The original speech was not found; text comes…
Connecticut Birth Control League Speech
This speech was similar to Sanger's Dec. 9, 1932 speech to the Wesleyan University undergraduate conference on marriage. No final version has been found. (See "Wesleyan University Speech Notes and Excerpts" {MSP #236563}; also see MSP #434001).
Richmond News Leader Interview
A summary of an interview Sanger gave before speaking at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond.
Reasons for Birth Control
Sanger spoke at the Schwab Auditorium at Penn State College on November 15, 1932, the first in a series of talks sponsored by the Penn State Christian Association. The speech was not found, but quotes were taken from reports in the Daily…