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For other articles in the Britannica Book of the Year series, see "Birth Control," 1947-1958 see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm Edition: Collected Documents Series: 1947; 1949; 1950;…
For an earlier version possibly drafted by Florence Rose, see Margaret Sanger Papers Microfilm, Library of Congress, LCM 8:721.
Margaret Sanger gave this speech in London as part of the 1922 Fifth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference. For other speeches and statements given at this meeting, see Individual and Family Aspects of Birth Control,",…
Margaret Sanger gave this speech in London as part of the 1922 Fifth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference. For other speeches and statements given at this meeting, see Individual and Family Aspects of Birth Control,",…
This is Sanger's comment on a letter published in the New York Times on May 4, 1933 by Henry Caravati. Caravati responded to Sanger's statement with a list of organizations opposed to birth control which the Times published on May 18,…
Sanger's speech was not found; newspaper coverage was used instead.
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