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The conference that Sanger addressed has not yet been identified. The last page(s) may be missing. Handwritten additions and corrections by Margaret Sanger.
Margaret Sanger delivered speech at a dinner promoting the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in New York's Plaza Hotel. Other speakers were: Owen Lovejoy, Henry Pratt Fairchild, Frank Hankins and Hannah Stone. For Sanger's introductions see…
No final version of this speech was found.
A portion of this draft appears in "Woman of the Future," but no published version was found.
No final version found.
No final version found.
The article incudes a photo of Sanger with a caption by the journal's editors that reads: Mrs. Margaret Sanger has given in this article some practical suggestions about what you can do in your own community to further the great principle…
Sanger gave a speech on Oct. 10, 1929 at the New York Urban League. The complete speech was not found.
Sanger spoke to 200 members of the New Jersey Birth Control League at a housewarming reception for its new Maternal Health Center in Newark. Other speakers included Henrietta Hart and Hannah Mayer Stone. The original speech was not found; text comes…
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