New Jersey Birth Control League Speech




"Mrs. Sanger Speaks Here," Newark (NJ) Star Eagle, Nov. 1, 1932


Sanger spoke to 200 members of the New Jersey Birth Control League at a housewarming reception for its new Maternal Health Center in Newark. Other speakers included Henrietta Hart and Hannah Mayer Stone. The original speech was not found; text comes from press coverage.


Newark Star Eagle



Mrs. Sanger Speaks Here

Urges N.J Clinic to Aid Happiness of Families

Mrs. Margaret sanger , leading birth control advocate, urged jer hearers to demand political candidates to reveal their views on birth control when she addressed 200 members of the New Jersey Birth Control League yesterday at housewarming exercises at the new quarters of the Maternal Health Center, 42 Park Place.

"I want you also to ask the heads of your institutions for the incompetent what they are doing to help cut down the need for the appalling bill for the maintenance of these institutions,” Mrs. Sanger pleaded.

Early Marriage

Although she said she believes in early marriage, especially in hard times, because a young couple can live together more cheaply than apart, Mrs. Sanger opposes the early assumption of the responsibility of children.

"There would be fewer divorces among young people," she said, "If they could have at least two years to get really acquainted with each other and to have fun together before the children came."

Aids Mexico"

Mrs. Sanger revealed that she said she had been named consultant to the Mexican government in birth control work and has been working in Washingon for passage of a bill in Congress permitting the dissemination of birth control information by medical authorities.

[Lit of other speakers has been omitted.